Art Supplies -- these support our Compassion Cards Program as well as donated items to children around the world, for our Art of Love Program. Art fuels imagination & creativity which empowers dreams.

List of items include, yet are not limited to the following:
coloring books, crayons, colored pencils, markers, paints, paint brushes, card stock, drawling & sketch pads.
Company Sponsors will be honorably spot lighted on our Home page as well as listed on our Sponsors page.
Contact us if you have products you would like to donate.
All our Giving Dreams Wings heros who donate items for our programs and events will be honorably mentioned on our Event page, and groups/businesses/companies/organizations that donate products and/or monetary donations will be featured on our Home page as one of our Super Heros.
You can send all donated items to:
​Giving Dreams Wings​
p.o. box 634
Beaumont CA 92223

Please contact Anissa at GivingDreamsWings (at) gmail (dot) com on how to implement Giving Dreams Wings Around the World Outreach Programs & Events for you community.

HotWheels/Matchbox Cars -- to support Carissa's Traveling Toy Car Collection which brings little toy cars to children living in foster care, shelters, and orphanages.

​Teddy Bears -- to support our Teddy Program.
Hand-made or your favorite one from the toy stores. Teddy Bears bring joy to little girls & boys.
"Every little child needs a teddy to cuddle & love." ~ Carissa Stark (age 4)

At the Teddy Bear Picnic children bring one teddy bear to love & one to give to a child in their community that doesn't have a teddy bear.

Sign-up for a Giving Dreams Wings Newsletter so you & your child can attend our next Teddy Bear Picnic.

Compassion Cards Program
We would greatly appreciate various art supplies to create our hand-made Compassion Cards.
List of items include, yet are not limited to the following:
Scrapbook & Card Making supplies and tools
rubber stamps, ink pads, various craft accessories
die cuts machine & die cuts
markers, pens, color pencils
assorted stickers
card stock & envelopes (especially white card stock)
scissors, decorate scissors, decorate punches

Company Sponsors will be honorably spot lighted on our Home page as well as listed on our Sponsors page.
Contact us if you have products you would like to donate.
Traveling Bowtique​
Hair Bows/Hair Clips/Headbands/Hair Accessories -- to support Carissa's Traveling Bowtique which brings these beautiful items to little girls living in foster care, shelters, and orphanages.
DOLLY & ME Tea Party
Dolls -- to support our Dolly & Me Program.
Hand-made or your favorite one from the toy stores.

"Every little girl needs a dolly to love."
~ Carissa Stark (age 4)

At the Dolly & Me Tea children bring one dolly to love & one to give to a little girl in their community that doesn't have a dolly.

Sign-up for a Giving Dreams Wings Newsletter so you & your child can attend our next Dolly & Me Tea.

Looking to support a Giving Dreams Wings​ program, then this is the place!
There are so many great choices to choose from -- pick your favorite one!
If your company has a great product and you would like to help sponsor a Giving Dreams Wings Program/Event featuring your product Contact Us -- that would be so much fun!

​We are currently collecting donations for our Giving Dreams Wings Around the World Outreach Programs which include:

Blessing Bags & Boxes - items that can be placed in a shoe box size container or gift bag include items such as small toys, small books, Barbie dolls, small stuffed animals, crayons, pens, colored pencils, bubbles, wrapped candy, etc

Our army of angels deliver decorated gift bags & boxes filled with little treasures to children living in foster care, shelters, and orphanages.
We would greatly appreciate medium sized gift bags, and/or shoe box sized containers.